CS 344: Human-Computer Interaction Schedule (Winter 2025)

Important Notes

  • You can find a lot of important information, such as student drop-in hours (aka office hours) and course grade determination, on the syllabus.
  • Class topics and homework information may change over the course of the term. Please treat this schedule as a rough guide for what we'll be focusing on and expect changes as the term progresses.
  • Before Class: Complete the readings and/or preparation activities. Class is structured expecting that you have completed these tasks.
  • Restricted Access: Most of the links will require a Carleton login to view. If you're external to Carleton and want access, just shoot me an email.

Date Assignments Due In-Class Activities Assignments Released
Week 1 Getting Started
Mon 1/6 Intro to HCI Prep Slides
Wed 1/8 User-Centered Design and Project Ideation Prep Slides
Fri 1/10 No Prep! Slides
Start on Team Deliverable - Project Proposal
Team Deliverable - Project Proposal (Due 1/17)
Week 2 Web Usability and Accessibility
Mon 1/13 GitHub Pages Prep Slides
Start Individual Deliverable - Personal Website
Individual Deliverable - Personal Website (Due 1/20)
Wed 1/15 Usability Prep Slides
Fri 1/17 Accessibility Prep
Team Deliverable - Project Proposal Due 10pm
Week 3 Techniques for Requirements Gathering
Mon 1/20 Interview Protocol Prep
Individual Deliverable - Personal Website due 10pm
Slides Team Deliverable - Requirements Gathering Protocols (Due 1/27)
Wed 1/22 Participatory Design Prep Slides
Fri 1/24 Prep Team Requirements Gathering Protocol Drafts for Peer Review Slides
Week 4 Analytical HCI Techniques and Prototyping
Mon 1/27 Affordances Prep
Team Deliverable - Requirements Gathering Protocols due 10pm
Slides Individual Deliverable - Requirements Gathering (Due 2/3)
Wed 1/29 Disaffordances Prep
Fri 1/31 Intro to Figma Prep Slides Individual Deliverable - Figma Prototype 1 (Due 2/7)
Week 5 Thematic Analysis
Mon 2/3 Thematic Analysis Prep
Individual Deliverable - Requirements Gathering due 10pm
Slides Team Deliverable - Thematic Analysis of Requirements (Due 2/14)
Wed 2/5 Affinity Diagramming Prep Slides
Fri 2/7 Coding Manual Prep
Individual Deliverable - Figma Prototype 1 Due 10pm
Week 6 User Studies and Behavioral Statistics
Mon 2/10 Mid-Term Break!
Wed 2/12 User Study Prep Slides Individual Deliverable - Figma Prototype 2 (Due 2/21)
Team Deliverable - User Study Plan (Due 2/24)
Fri 2/14 Behavioral Statistics Prep
Team Deliverable - Thematic Analysis of Requirements Due 10pm
Week 7 User Studies and Behavioral Statistics
Mon 2/17 R Prep Slides
Wed 2/19 Fisher's Exact Test Prep Slides
Fri 2/21 Kruskal-Wallis Prep
Individual Deliverable - Figma Prototype 2 due 10pm
Week 8 User Studies and Behavioral Statistics
Mon 2/24 Prep User Study Plan for Peer Review
Team Deliverable - User Study Plan Due 10pm
Slides Individual Deliverable - User Study Data Collection (Due 3/3)
Wed 2/26 Prep TBD Jean Out. HCI Guest Speaker: Dylan Smith (Social Computing)
Fri 2/28 Prep TBD Jean Out. HCI Guest Speaker: Prof. Chelsey Edge (Human-Robot Interaction)
Week 9 Student Choice: Contemporary Topics in HCI
Mon 3/3 Prep TBD
Individual Deliverable - User Study Data Collection Due
Slides Team Deliverable - Final Presentation (Due 3/10)
Individual Deliverable - Final Report (Due 3/17)
Wed 3/5 Prep TBD Slides
Fri 3/7 Prep TBD Guest Speaker: Prof. Amy Csizmar Dalal (Computer-Supported Cooperative Work)
Week 10 Project Wrap-Up
Mon 3/10 Prep for Team Presentations!
Team Deliverable - Final Presentation due 9:30am
Team Presentations
Wed 3/12 Prep for Team Presentations! Slides
Team Presentations
Exam Week Individual Deliverable - Final Report due Mon 3/17 6pm